Seriously, Stop Overpaying Your Providers
October 30, 2017 In healthcare as in life, you get what you pay for. But what if you’ve been paying all wrong? Today, Healthcare...

Self-Funded Employers: Quit Losing Money to Hospitals
Everybody in the healthcare continuum should care about AMPS. Because reference-based payment is the future, that’s why.

3 Ways You Can Prevent Hospital Error
On today’s episode of Healthcare Simplified, Tyler Willse interviews Leah Binder, President and CEO of the Leapfrog Group. Binder specialize

The Pros and Cons of Reference-Based Pricing
Nobody likes going to the doctor. Still, it’s a necessary part of remaining a healthy and productive member of society.
It’s not so bad ha

How Much is Your Lifestyle Costing You?
How are your eating habits? Do you cook at home with fresh ingredients and keep the butter content to a minimum? Or, do you grab take out mo

What to Do about the $29 Billion in Specialty Care Waste
On today’s episode of Healthcare Simplified, Geb Buchness is here to talk about Specialty Care Connect. Buchness is the Senior Vice Presiden

Psst! You Are Spending Too Much on Drugs
So, you bought some milk online for $15 a gallon, only to go to the store and see that you could have spent $4. Believe it or not, this happ

Utilizing Good Data to investigate fraud, waste, and abuse
Here at Healthcare Simplified, our aim is help you better understand the sometimes confusing landscape of the healthcare industry, and Scott

How Cost Transparency Is Giving Power Back to Healthcare Consumers
Pratter, Inc. is bringing real-cost transparency of healthcare to millions of insured Americans, giving them power to spend (or not spend) a

How Small Insurers Can Use Big Data to Get Massive Results
Smaller insurers can adjust more quickly to changes in the market than big, unwieldy national companies. Here’s how a small, local company u