Internship Programs under the FLSA
Many organizations use internship programs, and these programs can have many advantages for the employer and the intern. However,...

Live Well, Work Well - June 2019
Fuel Your Workout the Right Way You have to put gas in your car to make it go, right? The same concept can be applied to your body and...
5 Ways HR Can Support Employee's Mental Health
An employee’s mental health includes how they think, feel and act, and includes their emotional and social well-being. While mental...

Financial & Physical Wellness
We all know that financial stress can be a burden, but it can also have a negative effect on your health. Understanding the relationship...

Offering Telecommuting as a Scheduling Option
As a way to reduce commuting costs, promote work-life balance and increase the pool of qualified job candidates, many employers are...

Surviving the Summer Heat
Summer heat can be more than uncomfortable—it can be a threat to your health, specially for older adults and children. Whatever your age,...

The State of Healthcare in Today's World
On today’s episode of Healthcare Simplified Ned interviewed Doug Aldeen, a healthcare attorney from Austin, Texas. They talked about the...

Stress & Heart Health
Sometimes we overlook just how much our mental health plays into our overall wellness, especially when it comes to heart health. The...

Purchase Eligible Products on Amazon with Your HSA or FSA
Online retailer Amazon recently announced that you can now use your flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) to...

5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Daily Mental Health
Mental health plays a huge role in your overall health and well-being. It affects everything, including how we think, feel and act, and...